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Iron cross begonia Care

Begonia masoniana

Other names: Rhizomatous Begonias

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What is the plant

Begonia masoniana, the iron cross begonia, is a species of plant in the family Begoniaceae, native to southern China and northern Vietnam. It was originally described from cultivated plants of unknown origin and much later rediscovered in the wild.

Begonia masoniana is a rhizomatous perennial begonia growing to 0.5 metres (20 in), bearing large, asymmetrical, textured green leaves covered in reddish hairs, with a prominent dark brown pattern in the centre of each leaf, reminiscent of the German Iron Cross. It produces small white flowers in erect panicles, but is cultivated mainly for its foliage effect. In temperate regions it must be grown under glass, or in a completely frost-free environment. Although sometimes (incorrectly) considered a rex begonia, this species is classified in the related section Coelocentrum.

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Part Sun



18°C - 25°C

Hardiness zone

Hardiness zone

min 10a






Cold Period




How to Care for the Plant

  • Water


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    In a pot with good drainage, wait to water the begonia until the top portion of the soil is dry and be wary of overwatering. having a pot with good drainage will allow excess water to drain from the soil and prevent the plant from sitting in stagnant water. like other indoor plants, begonias enter a dormancy period in the colder months.

  • Pruning


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    No pruning required.

  • Fertilizer


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    Feed monthly year-round with a 10-10-5 water-soluble fertilizer diluted by half. Fertilize when the soil is already moist to avoid fertilizer burn. Don't feed a dormant plant.

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  • Sunlight


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    Light is an essential factor in maintaining plants. The rate of growth and length of time a plant remains active is dependent on the amount of light it receives. Light energy is used in photosynthesis, the plant's most basic metabolic process.

  • Soil


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    The ideal blend of soil for plant growth is called loam. Often referred to as topsoil or black dirt by landscape companies, loam is a mixture of sand, clay, and silt.

  • Temperature


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    Average room (65-75°F/18-24°C) is sufficient. Begonias are not cold-tolerant and can be damaged by temperatures below 50°F/13°C.

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  • Container


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    Ceramic pots are the most popular type of containers for houseplants today. You'll find them in all kinds of styles, colors, and sizes. At one time, the clay pot was the most common container for indoor plants. When choosing a pot, choose a pot that is 2.5-5 cm (1-2”) larger than the current size.

  • Additional


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    Select a location receiving more direct morning or evening sunlight than mid day sun. Early morning / late day sunlight is much cooler with less intense rays. By keeping begonias out of the midday direct sun, the plants have less stress, and will produce more blooms.

  • Popularity


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    3,521 people already have this plant 444 people have added this plant to their wishlists

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