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Flaming Sword Care

Vriesea splendens

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What is the plant

Vriesea splendens is called a Flaming Sword in everyday life for its bright flower spike. It is an easy-to-care but glamorous plant that would decorate any place or room as well as give some tropical and exotic chic.

Flaming Sword is a part of the Bromeliaceae family. Its origins are in South America, making it tropical and determining specific care — not a hard one, though. Endemic in Mexico, Central America, South America, and West Indies, Flaming Swords grow as epiphytes on other trees.

It is a small plant that grows up to 18 inches (45,70 cm) in height and 10 inches (25,4 cm) wide. Arching, smooth-edged dark green leaves are often covered with light green tigrine stripes. One flower grown in the form of a “cup” is the main decoration of the plant that can reach up to 2 inches (5,8 cm) long. The plant would flower once in a lifetime for 2-3 months starting from summer and then decline. The new pups or offsets are formed on the mother plant to continue its kind.

The Flaming Sword is not toxic for pets or humans.

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Part Sun



18°C - 25°C

Hardiness zone

Hardiness zone

10a - 12b






Cold Period

How to Care for the Plant

  • Water


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    Overwatering could be crucial for a Flaming Sword. Look at the state of the top of the soil in the pot — if it becomes dry, it is a moment to water the plant.

  • Pruning


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    Pruning is not needed.

  • Fertilizer


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    Liquid diluted or foliar fertilizers are acceptable from May till September (to be used once in four weeks). Fertilizing is optional as Bromelias grow fast on their own.

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  • Sunlight


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    As a plant originated from South America, a Flaming Sword likes indirect sunlight. Too dark and shady places could cause flaccidity or rot. Areas close to the south-facing windows would be preferable.

  • Soil


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    Peat-based potting soil is preferable. It is essential to avoid extra humidity on the roots.

  • Propagation


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    Propagation is made via offsets as soon as they reach 5 inches (12, 7 cm) tall. The offset should be taken with its roots and placed in a separate flower pot, adhering to Flaming Sword care instructions.

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  • Temperature


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    The Flaming Sword is a heat-loving plant and would need a temperature of 75°F (24°C) to grow. Up to 65°F (18,3°C) would be comfortable for it to live but not to develop. Frost is deadly.

  • Container


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    This plant has a tine root system and can live in a small flower pot with drainage holes. Do not repot the plant until it is grown to become an adult plant.

  • Fun fact

    Fun fact

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    This plant is an excellent air purifier.

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  • Popularity


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    9,959 people already have this plant 1,654 people have added this plant to their wishlists

Plant ID


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