âBig Twisterâ is an attractive foliage plant with thick, curly, spiraled green leaves that add an unusual dimension to a patio, garden or home. It is a cultivar of native Juncus effusus, which produces twisty-foliaged cultivars from time to time.
Juncus Big Twister Care
Juncus effusus 'Big Twister'

Big, beautiful, thick, round, and smooth describes the fun foliage of Giant Corkscrew Rush. It is taller and more upright than other curly rushes. This spiral rush likes wet or moist soil and can be submerged in up to 4â of water. It will spread slowly by stolons; however, if spreading is a concern, keep it in check by submerging in pots. Itâs a great accent for water gardens and can provide plenty of texture and interest to hard-to-landscape wet areas. The plant belongs to Juncus genus that was named and described by Carl von Linnaeus in Species Plantarum in 1753. It can be invasive in warm climates.
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How to Care for the Plant
The main thing to remember is that they like wet soil, regardless of soil type. Since the species plant, Juncus effusus (see below) often grows at the edges of marshes or even a few inches into the water, you know they will tolerate boggy soil.
Little care is required to grow this plant. Apply an all-purpose fertilizer or manure tea in spring.
Grow these perennials in full sun (partial shade in the more southerly zones).
It prefers moist soil and can be planted in boggy areas or added to a water feature. Either a neutral or an acidic soil pH is fine.
Optimal temperatures for this plant are between 65-75°F (days) and 55-65°F (nights). Outside, it can be grown in the areas with the lowest winter temperature of -34.4°C (-30°F).
This plant can be grown in containers. Choose a pot with enough drainage holes. If grown in containers, place âBig Twisterâ in a shallow saucer of water to maintain even moisture.
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