Agave celsii (also referred to as Agave mitis) is a plant species native to the Mexican states of Hidalgo, Tamaulipas and San Luis PotosÃ. Agave mitis forms rosettes of blue-green to yellow-green, fleshy leaves up to 60 cm long.
Agave mitis Care
Agave celsii

Agave celsii is a large plant with rosettes that will grow to 60cm in height and width. The flat leaves with serrated edges and pointed tips are blue/green in colour and the teeth and tips are cream. The flowers are green on 2.5m stems. With its light silvery green soft leaves, this is a very pretty agave for containers, cactus and succulent beds and borders. The terminal spines are somewhat flexible and softer than most agaves, allowing it to be placed closer to pedestrian traffic.
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How to Care for the Plant
Although mature plants are very drought tolerant, when you are first establishing a plant outdoors, water it every four to five days for the first month. Then once a week, gradually spacing watering to every other week, depending on the weather.
Don’t feed agave plants. Agaves seem to take care of themselves. Feeding encourages flowering, which you don’t want to happen too soon since agave plants die off after flowering.
Agave plants need a spot in full sun to partial shade. The hotter the climate is, the more shade they can handle.
Agave will tolerate any well-draining soil, but their preference is rocky or sandy soil. They are not particular about soil pH.
This agave is cold hardy down to 20 to 25°F (-6.7 to -3.9°C). It`s tolerant to high heat.
These plants can be grown in pots if they are provided with proper drainage.
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