This bacteria class holds more than 20 genera. And not all of them are completely harmful, but it will be hard to describe all of them, so we focus on the most important. Citrus Canker is caused by Xanthomonas axonopodis pv., and Pseudomonas syringae is caused by other gammaproteobacteria. Mentioned pathogens affect the plant’s appearance; they enter the plant through holes and wounds mostly. Their activity is shown in the suppression of the plant’s immunity. As a result, we can see how plants lose their vigor.

Signs of damage
- General weakening. As with any other disease, it can be spotted when you notice that a plant becomes weaker.
- Deformation of the branches. Suppression of immunity doesn’t let a plant grow healthy, affecting the formation of the branches and their further development.
- Brown spots on the leaves. Due to disease, it can’t get needed nutrients, and it affects the foliage’s look.
- Black spots on the fruits. The whole tree is affected, including the fruit.
How to prevent
Wet conditions are especially suitable for bacteria, so be very careful with watering. When it comes to the products that are helpful copper-based bactericides will be great for preventing Citrus Canker. However, you can buy a plant that is resistant to diseases caused by Gammaproteobacteria in the first place.
In some cases, like Citrus Сanker, once the plant is affected, it can’t be cured, so disease control at the beginning is the only way to keep your plant healthy because it can be late.
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