Daylily (Hemerocallis) is a very easy plant to grow, but rust can seriously affect its health and appearance. Daylily rust occurs because the fungal pathogen from Asia spreads its tiny spores through air and water. The fungus Puccinia hemerocallidis causes spots and pustules on the plant’s leaves and scapes. Rust on these easy-to-grow flowering plants cannot normally make them die, but the prognosis for this disease will almost always be disappointing. This is because the main danger is that rust significantly affects how the plant looks in the garden and can spread to other plants. You can prevent the development of the disease in one of the following ways: either by planting certain types of daylilies or by learning how to treat rust on daylily plants effectively.
Daylily Rust

Signs of damage
- The first sign is the yellowing of only one or two leaves;
- After, you will notice more and more spots and their change in color;
- The masses, which are rust-colored pustules, appear on the underside of the leaves;
- During the final stage of the disease development, you will notice discoloring of the tops of the leaves.
How to prevent
First and foremost, you can avoid the appearance of rust by choosing certain types of daylilies that are not prone to the disease. This dangerous fungal disease can also be prevented by treating the plant with fungicides.
Rust spores develop to the infective stage in high humidity, so you should definitely avoid such conditions if possible. The temperature suitable for developing this disease must be 40 to 90 °F (4 to 32 °C) for five to six hours, and the leaf must remain moist. Avoid overhead watering of the plant’s beds. Water the day lily at the soil level whenever possible to avoid this fungal problem and many others.
Rust on daylilies usually occurs on older leaves that you should remove and obligatory dispose of. After you get rid of the infected leaves, carry out a fungicide treatment in two weeks. The combustion of these two methods is the only effective method of daylily rust treatment.
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