Identify, Get Care & Grow Healthy Plants with Us!

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4e888c9f-19a2-4e9d-a8b5-a669bc0f278f.jpg If you want to decorate your garden plot in an original way or surprise your guests with a plant on the windowsill, then the silver dollar plant is what you have been looking for for so long. In this article, we will analyze in detail the history of this plant, complete care and pests that can attack the plant. If you want to know more about the flower, then immediately start reading.


This plant is a long-term representative of the genus. Under natural conditions, it grows in forests and near water bodies. The main feature is the shape of the leaves. The lower ones resemble inverted hearts, but the upper ones are already oval in shape. It can reach a height of up to 1 meter, but in indoor conditions these are rare cases. The lunar has a lot of flowers that have a fairly diverse range of shades. Lilac, violet, white and pale pink colors. It smells of a pleasant, pronounced sweet-floral scent that attracts butterflies and bees. It may bloom already in the first year after planting, but this process is actively manifested in the second year. The plant got its name because of the similarity of flat transparent fruits with the moon. And according to old legends, the plant had magical abilities and brought wealth to the owners of the flower.


You need to water the plant in moderation, avoiding waterlogging of the soil and stagnant water, because the roots will begin to rot. After the seeds ripen, watering must be completely stopped. Perform the procedure early in the morning or after 4 pm. Water should be used standing and not too cold.


b6290605-4264-4f19-af5c-5943e2d942f2.jpg Not a capricious plant in this regard. An average temperature of 20-23 degrees Celsius (68-73.4 degrees Fahrenheit) is suitable. If you grow in a garden, then in winter you need to cover the bush and avoid significant temperature changes.


Choose an area in your garden that is more illuminated, but not in direct sunlight. if this is an apartment, then an east or west window sill will do. Growing in the shade is allowed. It does not grow in direct sunlight, because it begins to fade, the leaves become yellow and small.

Other recommendations

Below are some additional care tips to help you grow a healthy plant or help a sick plant. Be sure to read them and put them into practice.

Soil It is better to choose a fairly loose soil, with slightly acidic or neutral acidity. Be sure to use drainage, expanded clay works well, as well as vermiculite. To improve the soil, a little lime is added there.

Fertilizing Submitted systematically once a month. The period from early spring to the second half of summer. Organic and complex mineral fertilizers are suitable.

Diseases Most often affected by root rot. Thus, cut off the infected parts and burn them. Then treat the bush with a fungicidal preparation, and then repeat the procedure after a week and a half.

Pests Aphids, cabbage moths, and cruciferous fleas are most common. After detecting pests, the plant is treated with an insecticidal preparation, and after 1-1.5 weeks, the treatment is repeated again.

Plant ID


Disease ID
