Calathea zebrina is a species of plant in the family Marantaceae, native to southeastern Brazil. This plant has gained the Royal Horticultural Society's Award of Garden Merit.
Calathea Zebrina Care
Calathea zebrina

The Zebra plant (scientific name - Calathea zebrina) is a perennial foliage plant that displays fairly large ovate leaves at the tips of it's long stalks, growing up to 1 metre tall. Being a tropical plant native to Brazil the Calathea does require a warm and moist environment which encourages the foliage to thrive and look its best. Just like all others from the Maranta group and Calathea genus, it's grown for its striking leaves. This variety has velvety patterned ovate leaves which are light green in color with darker green stripes, like Zebra stripes. The underside of the leaves are purple and not always visible because leaves grow horizontally (although some will curve or grow more upright). It's a clump-forming plant that produces long stalks (up to 1 metre tall) and the leaves (15 inches or more in length) sit at the top.
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How to Care for the Plant
Keep the soil lightly moist. High humidity is very important.
Dead fronds and leaves can be removed.
Use a balanced fertilizer with a 10-10-10 formula.
They grow at their best close to a window in partial sun and shade.
Use a special potting mix for your plant.
Average room temperatures of 65-75ºF (18-24ºC) are best, and no lower than 60ºF (15ºC). Sudden temperature drops and cold drafts should be avoided.
Container should provide ample drainage and room for growth.
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