This beautiful little evergreen azalea is yet another smaller, more compact selection. Fashion sports large amounts of salmon to orange / red colored blooms held against rich green foliage. Blooms are tight, and consist of slightly smaller petals than some azalea varieties you might be familiar with.
Fashion Azalea Care
Rhododendron Fashion

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How to Care for the Plant
Water azalea so as to keep the soil moist but not waterlogged at all times.
Regular pruning is not usually needed with azaleas. If you feel the need to prune for aesthetic reasons (to restrict the size of your shrub, for example), it is best to prune azalea bushes right after these early-bloomers have finished blooming. Because these shrubs bloom on old wood grown the previous season, pruning too late in the year will rob you of flowers for next year.
The further south in its planting range you go, the less sunlight a 'Kathy Ann' azalea requires. It is not, however, a shade plant, so it should receive at least partial sun.
All azaleas do best in well-drained soil with plenty of organic material. Adding organic amendments, such as compost, will improve both drainage and fertility of the soil.
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