Brugmansia is a genus of flowering plants in the family Solanaceae. They are woody trees or shrubs, with pendulous flowers, and have no spines on their fruit. Their large, fragrant flowers give them their common name of angel's trumpets.
Angel's Trumpet Care
Brugmansia spp.

Angel's trumpet is a vase-shaped shrub or small tree. Its leaves are 6 to 8 inches long, arranged alternately on the stems. Known for its spectacular drooping flowers, they grow up to 20 inches long. The flowers, which are especially fragrant in the evening, may be produced year-round in warmer climates. This plant produces oval fruits that are 3 to 6 inches long. These plants can be brought indoors over the winter and allowed to go dormant. If they are stored in a cool, dark, frost-free place, they can survive all winter and regrow the following spring.
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How to Care for the Plant
This is a very thirsty plant that needs to be watered well and often. If growing it in a pot, make sure there is enough drainage so it doesn't get waterlogged but make sure the soil stays moist. Root rots can occur if the plant is watered too frequently or if garden soils are boggy. As long as the soil appears moist and there is no wilting, the plant is fine.
Like many other plants with large, spectacular blooms, angel's trumpet should be fertilized often: at least once a week. Larger plants can be fertilized two to three times a week. Use water-soluble fertilizers, and avoid slow-release formulas, as these to do not work fast enough. Bloom-boosting fertilizers, such as 15-30-15 or 10-50-10, are best.
In warmer zones, angel's trumpet prefers a location with shade in the afternoon. In cooler zones, it does fine in full sun.
Brugmansia grows best in acid soil, though it will tolerate alkaline soils. It does not tolerate salt and is not drought resistant. If growing in pots, angel's trumpet will do well in a potting mix designed for azaleas and camellias.
A potted angel's trumpet grows fast and should be potted up regularly to a final container that is about 20 gallons in size (about 16 inches in height and 18 inches across).
These plants can withstand moderate to warm temperatures. In the fall when temperatures start to drop near freezing, reduce watering and stop fertilizing. Prior to the first frost, move the plant into a cold, dark, frost-free place to store and cause it to go dormant. Once spring temperatures are not dipping below 32°F, bring the plant out and repot it.
If growing inside, choose any type of container with enough drainage holes.
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