This All-America Selections winner is a miniature patty pan type with light green 1-3" fruits that's meatier than most patty pans. Distinctive, delicious, sweet flavor and vigorous, early-bearing plants. Pick over a long period. Summer squash and zucchini ripen early and are highly productive. The bush type plants take little space. After danger of frost, sow 3 to 4 seeds in groups 3 to 4' apart or sow 6" apart in rows, later thinning to 3' apart.
Scallop Hybrid Care
C. Pepo Var. Clypeata

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How to Care for the Plant
Keep the vines well watered, especially when in bloom and producing. If they experience too much drought, patty pans will drop their flowers and fruits. Mulching helps keep the shallow root system cool and moist. Straw is great to use as a mulch to keep the fruits dry and clean, but any mulch will do.
Side dress with compost or fertilize every four weeks while the plants are producing flowering and fruiting.
Summer squash grows best and sets the most fruit in full sun, but they can handle part shade locations.
Patty pan squash does best in rich, well-drained soil. Patty pan will grow in most good soils but prefers a soil pH that is slightly acidic, from 6.1 to 6.5.
Summer squash grows best at temperatures from 65 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit. Even more important is that soil temperature has reached at least 65 degrees before planting. Summer squash, including patty pans, may slow down their production in the hottest days of summer, resuming vigorous production in early fall.
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