Guelder rose is a spreading, deciduous, upright shrub. It can reach up to 4m high and can spread from 2–5m. It has greyish, hairless stems. Look out for: the three-lobed leaves which have leaf stems with a channel running down the centre and a pair of round glands near the apex of the leaf. Identified in winter by: green, hairless buds which have a pair of scales.
Guelder Rose Care
Guelder Rose

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How to Care for the Plant
Water only occasionally; during summer water can be done more often.
Very little pruning is required – simply trim to shape after flowering, taking care not to remove all spent blooms as these turn into beautiful red berries. If you prune in spring, you might be cutting off last year's growth. This means no blooming until next year! Best is to prune after the blooming, in early or mid-summer.
Mulch in spring with a thick layer of well-rotted manure or leaf mould.
Sun/Part Shade.
Perform well in most types of soil.
Temperatures between 65 (18 °C) to 75 F (23 °C) and nighttime temperatures between 50 t(10°C) to 60 F (15 °C).
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