Bunchosia argentea, known as silver peanut butter fruit, is a species of flowering plant in the acerola family, Malpighiaceae, that is native to Venezuela, Colombia, Peru, Brazil, Guyana and Suriname. It produces small orange-red fruits that are sericeous of pleasant taste similar to peanut butter.
Bunchosia Argentea Care
Bunchosia Argentea

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How to Care for the Plant
Water after becoming established: Irrigate for a short period daily during the growing season. Higher temperatures will require more water. This plant will tolerate less water after 3 years in the ground. The plant needs more water when its leaves start to cup.
In winter, prune to shape. This plant can be kept at 6' tall for easier harvesting by cutting the central trunk low. Flowers appear on new growth.
Apply a tropical plant/citrus micronutrient product to irrigation water, or sprinkled on the ground, mid-winter. Apply organic fertilizer every two months. This plant is a moderate feeder.
Full Sun.
Grows in fertile, organically rich, continuously moist to boggy soils.
Ideal temperatures should be approximately 65-75ºF + (18-24ºC +), closer to 70ºF is best.
Use ceramic pots that are porous which means your plants are less likely to experience root rot from overwatering.
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