This is a fern like you've never seen before. Small and rare, its scale-like foliage will dazzle and amaze.
Electric Fern Care
Selaginella longipinna

Native to the Pacific area but spread worldwide, this terrestrial plant belongs to the spike moss family, a common name attributed to a family of over 700 species. It lives in tropical conditions and is often considered rare.
It has dense foliage of scale-like green to bluish leaves that make it easy to identify. It is this unique foliage and leaf-covered stems that give it ornamental value since its characteristic ramifications resemble corals or some cedar leaves. Although a slow grower, it doesn't grow over 16 inches (40 cm) high. This plant is not poisonous.
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How to Care for the Plant
Electric Fern enjoys high humidity, and soil should be moist but not soggy. Lack of moisture will lead to dormancy, and leaves will curl into a tight brown ball. Let the soil dry between watering and trade cold water for lukewarm water, which this plant prefers. To increase humidity, humidifiers and pebble trays can be employed.
There are no specific pruning requirements for this plant.
Feeding is not required as long as the soil is fertile.
To ensure Electric Fern's happiness, place it in a spot where it can get plenty of full sun. The more light, the greener it gets, but protect it from strong sunlight, as it's prone to scorching. It can also survive in full shade, promoting its leaves to develop a bluish tint. Excessive lack of sunlight will lead to leaves dropping.
Choose well-drained and slightly acidic to neutral soil, rich in organic matter and able to retain moisture.
Propagate by division or by cuttings.
Selaginella longipinna doesn't react well to temperature fluctuations, and it's advised to keep temperatures between 65-75 ºF (18-24 ºC).
If possible, plant outdoors or in a terrarium. In a pot, it might need repotting after doubling in size, which is about once a year.
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