Trillium chloropetalum is a perennial herbaceous plant that blooms from late February to early or mid April. The petal color is variable, from dark red to white. Like other Trillium species the leaves and flowers are grouped in threes. It is clump-forming and prefers a shady woodland habitat.
Giant Trillium Care
Trillium Chloropetalum

The variety Trillium chloropetalum var. giganteum, with its deep maroon flower petals, gained the Award of Garden Merit (AGM) from the Royal Horticultural Society in 1993.
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How to Care for the Plant
As long as they have been planted in a suitable location, you need only keep the soil evenly moist, but not soggy. They may also require water in dry weather.
Trilliums don't require regular fertilizing, but can benefit from an application in late winter.
Best grown in shade.
Grow this plant in moist well-drained humus-rich soils in part to full shade.
Tender plant – may be damaged or killed by low temperature.
The leaves of trilliums are toxic to pups
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