Graptoveria 'Pinkle Ruby', is a sun-loving succulent with stemless, clump-forming rosettes of thick, chubby, mint green leaves. The rosettes grow up to 3 inches (7.5 cm) in diameter. Leaves turn blushed rosy pink from direct sunlight and cool temperatures. If grown in the shade, they will lose that coloration and fade to their original green. Flowers are pink and appear on long arching stems.
Graptoveria 'bashful' Care
Graptoveria 'bashful'

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How to Care for the Plant
The Graptoveria Bashful is no exception. So let's say you live in Arizona then in this case you will need to water the Graptoveria Bashful usually once a week. More importantly you just really need to water your plant once the soil is fully dry to prevent over watering and root rot.
Pruning is only necessary for aesthetic reasons to tidy your Graptoveria plant up from time to time if absolutely necessary. Do prune back any damaged, yellow or dead to improve the look and to keep your plants healthy and disease-free. Always use a sharp pair of scissors or a knife that you have sterilized before use before attempting any pruning.
To encourage a good, strong root system and healthy growth use a ready-mixed succulent or cactus fertilizer that has been diluted to 25%. Fertilize just once during the summertime growing season.
The leaves are a light mint green when new but turn bright pink as they mature.
Graptoveria Bashful is a sun loving succulent with stemless, clump-forming rosettes up to 3 inches (7.5 cm) in diameter, of thick, chubby and minty green leaves. It turns a bright, translucent pink from direct sunlight and cool temperatures.
Graptoveria 'Bashful' (O'Connell): Graptopetalum x Echeveria hybrid with fleshy, upright leaves. Pretty mint green rosette blushed with pink to red leaf tips. Cool temperatures (around 50F) and bright sun bring out its most vibrant red blushing.
Graptoveria Bashful is a sun loving succulent with stemless, clump-forming rosettes up to 3 inches (7.5 cm) in diameter, of thick, chubby and minty green leaves.
While some succulents are toxic for your pets, the graptoveria is non-toxic.
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