With its striking colors, this beautiful plant is relatively easy to look after and will be a delightful touch of nature to your home. Сlimbing-Aloes can be identified by their beautiful green leaves, edged by white spikes, that grow along a green stock
Aloiampelos ciliaris Care
Aloiampelos ciliaris

Aloiampelos ciliaris, or Сlimbing-Aloe, is a plant native to Southern Africa from the Asphodelaceae family. This hardy friend can be identified by its red flowers that grow in long, almost tube-like shapes.
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How to Care for the Plant
As succulents, you can water these green friends sparingly. Ensure to only water if your Aloiampelos ciliaris' soil is thoroughly dry through the top two inches (5 cm).
Remove damaged, sick, or dead leaves.
A fertilizer specifically mixed for succulents will keep your leafy friend happy. Feed monthly during the growing season.
These little friends love direct sunlight. If you have a south-facing window, it would be a good spot for your Aloiampelos.
A potting soil made specifically for succulents is recommended, and ensure it does not retain too much water.
Remove a cutting of a leaf and allow it to dry for a few days. Plant the cutting in some sand and keep it moist and in a well-lit space.
The plant can tolerate moderate frost (down to -6.7C) but is sensitive to severe frost. Indoors, average room temperature of around 23C will suffice.
Ensure the container where you place your Aloiampelos ciliaris gives the plant's roots about 2 inches (5 cm) of room to grow. These plants don't like to be wet, so make sure the container has drainage holes too.
Fun fact
These plants are found naturally, mainly in the country of South Africa.
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