Avonia baeseckei is a dwarf perennial plant, composed by cylindrical erect stems, 2-8 centimeters long, with a diameter of more or less 1,5 centimeters. Flowers are bright pink, they have five petals and they develop upon a brownish, succulent stem, taller than the entire plant
Anacampseros Baeseckei Care
Avonia Baeseckei

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How to Care for the Plant
Water Anacampseros succulents once weekly during spring and summer. Avoid excessive water. Water sparingly only once a month during fall and winter when the plant enters a dormant period. Like all succulents, Anacampseros will rot in soggy conditions. If you grow the plant in a pot, be sure it never stands in water. Also, watering at the base of the plant is healthier and may help avoid rot and fungal disease. Avoid wetting the leaves.
Fertilize Anacampseros succulents every two to three weeks during spring and summer using a diluted solution of water-soluble fertilizer or a product formulated specifically for cactus and succulents.
Place: This succulent goes through a period of vegetation during summer, so it needs a lot of light, but don't expose it to direct sunlight. Keep it in shade. During the standstill period in winter, you need to keep the plant on a place at 50°F (10°C) and don't water it.
Add a generous amount of sand or grit to the soil before planting; Anacampseros succulents require dry, gritty soil. Partial shade is fine, but sun brings out the vivid colors in the leaves. However, beware of intense afternoon sun, which may scorch the plant.
During the standstill period in winter, you need to keep the plant on a place at 50°F (10°C) and don't water it. The plant can endure the standstill period at a higher temperature too, up to 65°F (18°C), but it's necessary to provide it with an ample amount of light and water it occasionally.
Can be toxic to people and pets.
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