Chinese Foxglove is an upright perennial with tall flowering stalks bearing nodding, two-lipped, bright rose trumpet-shaped flowers, 4 in. long (10 cm), revealing yellow spotted throats. Resembling Mimulus or Foxgloves, they bloom profusely from mid-spring well into fall in mild winter climates.
Chinese Foxglove Care
Rehmannia Glutinosa

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How to Care for the Plant
For best results, water daily by using a soaker hose or drip irrigation, especially during the first year. Once established, Chinese foxglove has good drought-tolerance, but mostly in the shade. The plant can tolerate being watered just once a week, but the flowers won't be as prolific as if it is watered every day.
Chinese foxglove are fairly low-maintenance. Plants should be deadheaded for continual bloom.
A side dressing with compost or monthly feedings will also help promote flowering. Feed the plant with liquid fertilizer during the summer months to keep the blooms growing.
Light. You can grow Chinese foxglove in full sun to partial shade. Although the plant prefers sun, they will still flower quite well in shade and can even handle dry shade. In full sun, they will need extra water during hot spells.
Chinese foxglove are not particular about soil pH, although they do best in a neutral pH of about 6.5-7.0. However, they do need well-draining soil: The roots will rot in soil that remains wet for extended periods. Poor-draining soil can also cause problems during the colder, winter months.
Transplant outdoors following the last frost; minimum temperature 41°F (5°C).
All parts of the Chinese foxglove are poisonous if ingested by humans and animals. With fast-growing, small Chinese foxglove, spikes of dangling, bell-shaped, rose-pink blossoms poke up from scalloped, glossy green leaves.
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