Dracaena Indivisa Spikes, Dracaena Indivisa 'Spikes', can add intrigue to your garden or container. Spikes are a foliage plant that provides height and contrast. This unique and very hardy plant can be grown at any light level. Dracaena Spikes fairly drought tolerant too! Plant in any well-drained soil. Feed bi-weekly if planted in a container with other plants. If your Dracaena spikes is in its own pot, feed it monthly with a balanced plant food while actively growing.
Spike Dracaena Care
Dracaena 'indivisa Spikes'

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How to Care for the Plant
Watering Spike should be moderate. Spring-summer 1-2 times a week, autumn-winter - enough 1 time, respectively, a week.
Dracaena pruning is carried out by cutting off the top of the plant. This enhances branching and promotes dracaena renewal. You can leave 4-5 leaves on the trunk. To try to get "candles", a plastic bag is put on the cut site to maintain the required humidity. If you're lucky, 3-5 lateral buds will wake up at the cut site in about a month. As the fresh shoots grow, the bag is removed.
Spike Marginat has no particular preferences in feeding. It is enough in the spring and summer to apply fertilizing with complex fertilizer once every two weeks, and once a month in the cool season.
Dracaena Spike loves bright, but diffused light, does not tolerate direct sunlight, it must be shaded with curtains on the southern and southeastern windows.
Potting mix for growing dracaena. 1 part turf zampi + 1 part mash + 1 part sand The mixture must be sterilized before use. Avoid using perlite when making potting mixes.
A comfortable temperature for keeping a room Dracena is not lower than +15 Celsius (59 degrees Fahrenheit) and not higher than +28 degrees Celsius (82.4 degrees Fahrenheit). Although this type of plant tolerates depressions in the cold season and up to +12 (53.6 degrees Fahrenheit), at such a low temperature, watering should be reduced at least 2 times.
Choose a heavy ceramic pot to keep the plant resilient.
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