This dragon tree has rigid, ribbed leaves that are pointed towards the tip and of a more bluish and grayish color than those of D. Draco . Its bearing is less dense and branched, reaching more than 8 meters in height. The bark is grayish-yellow and somewhat shiny. The whitish-green inflorescences are arranged in a branched inflorescence up to 80-100 cm long. The seeds are globose and slightly compressed, about 6-7 mm in diameter. It shows similarities with species from East Africa, such as Dracaena ombet and Dracaena schizantha , and from Arabia , such as Dracaena serrulata . It is believed that the species could have reached the Canary Islands during the Miocene period .
Dracaena Tamaranae Care
Dracaena Tamaranae

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How to Care for the Plant
Water regularly; do not let dirt dry out. D. Draco, however, can withstand drier conditions in the winter.
Feed weekly or biweekly during the summer, or use a slow-release fertilizer at the beginning of the season.
They can withstand light shade, especially the Ti Trees or D. marginal. D. Draco can withstand full sun.
Rich, well-drained potting compost.
Most Dracaena prefers warmer temperatures of 65ºF and higher. D. Draco is the sole exception, able to withstand temperatures down to 50ºF.
Repot when necessary, usually every two years or when their potting media is exhausted.
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