It is a monocotyledonous perennial, preferring warm, shady and humid climates, such as tropical rainforests. Its most characteristic feature as an ornamental is its brightly colored spathe leaf, and the protruding inflorescence called the spadix. It is a short erected plant with whole, cardioid or heart-shaped leaves, generally reflexed, cordate base, apex acuminate or cuspid, which are borne by a cylindrical petiole 30–40 cm long. The spathe is cartilage-waxy, brightly coloured (red, pink) and 8–15 cm long, excluding the inflorescence (the spadix), which is 7–9 cm long, similar to a candle-holder, white or yellow in colour, is erected, and bears many small hermaphroditic flowers. These include a perianth with four segments and stamens with a compressed mesh. Flowering extends throughout the year
Anthurium Forgetii Care
Anthurium Forgetii

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How to Care for the Plant
If the soil is wet, refrain from watering. You want the soil here to feel just moist before you grab that watering can! I usually find myself watering my Anthurium forgetii around once to twice a week. But this will usually increase in summer and decrease in winter.
Then take a look at the Anthurium plant as a whole. Remove any leaves that deviate from the natural shape of the plant. These are the ones that are too tall or growing off at an odd angle. Just be careful not to remove too many leaves: keep at least four of them attached to the plant.
So, you can expect to fertilize around every six to as much as eight weeks for the forgetii. But this should only be performed from March through to September.
Like most Anthurium plants, the Forgetii doesn't demand a considerable dose of bright light.
If the soil is wet, refrain from watering.
Since anthuriums are tropical plants, they grow best in rooms with temperatures higher than 55 degrees (though, ideally between 70 and 90 degrees) and with at least 80 percent humidity.
The plants are toxic. Please read the health issues note! The leaves of Anthurium forgetii are ovate (oval) and the blades are scientifically described as glaucous (shiny).
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