It is grown by collectors for decorative purposes, as well as for the sake of edible fruits. It looks extremely impressive thanks to the purple-black leaves with a greenish tinge and dark purple fruits. Interestingly, unlike those chilies, whose unripe fruits have a purple color, they do not turn red when ripe and do not change their color, still remaining dark purple and only acquiring a neon shine. The taste of Pimenta da Neyde fruits has a hint of nut, they are a bit like habanero, but surpass it in sharpness. The plant is more than 120 cm tall. The flowers are white, with purple markings and a purple core. The fruits are oblong, about 5 cm long and about 2 cm in diameter. It grows exuberantly, does not require particularly complex care. When growing Pimenta da Neyde, follow the general rules for peppers. Seeds germinate in 2-6 weeks after planting, the maturation period is from 80 to 100 days