Is a herbaceous perennial plant with a strongly shortened stem and a dense rosette of leaves. Leaves are rigid linear xiphoid 50-120cm long and 3-6 cm wide, toothed at the edges, spiny. Adult plants can grow up to 1 meter tall and up to 2 meters in diameter. From the basal rosette of leaves grows a fleshy stem, on top of which a peduncle is formed up to 30-60 cm long. The inflorescence is spike-shaped, ending at the top with a "sultan" - a rosette of small bract leaves. It is this fruit rosette that can be seen on pineapple fruits that are sold in stores. The spike-shaped inflorescence has more than a hundred greenish-white or slightly purple nondescript flowers. Each flower is covered with a red or green bract. Flowering is long, about one month. At the beginning, the flowers bloom at the bottom of the inflorescence, then-adjacent to them, and so on to the top. The coplodium, formed after fertilization of numerous inflorescence flowers, resembles in appearance