Hedera - Ivy - is an evergreen climbing or ground-creeping woody plant. When creeping, it rarely exceed 20 cm height, but when climbing on suitable surfaces,using specialised hairs that enable it to cling, it can climb to at least 30m above the ground. The leaves of ivy are shiny, dark green (pale green when young) with 3 - 5 lobes.Mature plants produce yellow-green flower-clusters, followed by black berries. All parts of the plant are toxic, and contact with the sap may irritate skin, or cause an allergic reaction.There are many cultivars. 'Royal Hustler' has a medium growth rate, and dark green slightly indented leaves.
Royal Hustler Ivy Care
Hedera Helix \'royal Hustler\'

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How to Care for the Plant
Very little water. Moist and free draining.
Cut the vine into multiple pieces, with each piece having one or two leaves. Make each cut directly above a leaf, and trim the stem below the leaf to about one inch. Dip the end of each stem in rooting hormone powder.
You don't really need to fertilize ivy more than once or twice a year, but you can get it to grow lusher and faster with more frequent fertilization. Use any houseplant fertilizer and be sure to follow the instructions on the fertilizer packaging.
Variegated ivies like light, but need protection from strong sun. Plant deeply to encourage quick establishment. Indoors, provide bright indirect to low light.
Moderately acid (5.6 – 6.0) Slightly acid (6.1 – 6.5) Neutral (6.6 – 7.3) Slightly alkaline (7.4 – 7.8)
All parts of the plant are toxic, and contact with the sap may irritate skin, or cause an allergic reaction.There are many cultivars. 'Royal Hustler' has a medium growth rate, and dark green slightly indented leaves.
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