Jatoba is a tree that grows in the West Indies , Central and South America , in particular in Brazil . Although often called Jatoba Brazilian or South American Cherry, she is related to plants of the genus Cherry and belongs to the genus Hymenaea family Legumes
Jatoba Care
Hymenaea Courbaril

A tree up to 40 m high with a wide crown. Young shoots are covered with brown hairs. Leaves are compound, consist of two broad-toothed pointed leaves up to 7.5 cm long. The leaf blades are coarse-skinned, shiny on top, matte on the underside. Flowers with five gray-green sepals and five white petals are collected in panicles up to 15 cm long. Fruits - beans up to 15 cm long with a woody dark brown shell when ripe. They contain one to six round or elliptical seeds with a coarse reddish-brown shell and white grain, surrounded by a powdery yellowish-greenish pulp .
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How to Care for the Plant
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