Guettarda scabra is an evergreen shrub or a tree with an open, spreading crown; it usually grows from 3 - 10 metres tall. The bole can be 10cm in diameter. The tree is sometimes harvested from the wild for local use of its wood. It is sometimes used as a living fence.
Rough Velvetseed Care
Guettarda Scabra

Small tree or medium shrub with erect branches and an open, irregular crown. Leaves leathery, very rough above, about 2-4 inches long or sometimes longer.Habitats: Pine rocklands and hammocks. Soils: Moist, well-drained limestone (occasionally sandy) soils, with or without humusy top layer.Nutritional Requirements: Moderate to low; it prefers soils with organic content, but will still grow reasonably well in nutrient poor soils.Salt Water Tolerance: Low; does not tolerate long-term flooding by salt or brackish water.Salt Wind Tolerance: Low; salt wind may burn the leaves.Drught Tolerance: Moderate to high; plants growing in extremely dry soils may die during extended periods of drought.Light Requirements: Full sun.Flower Color: White.Flower Characteristics: Semi-showy.Flowering Season: All year; peak winter-spring.Fruit: Rounded red berry.Horticultural Notes: Difficult to grow from seed.
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