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Inkwood Care

Exothea Paniculata

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What is the plant

Exostema is a genus of neotropical trees and shrubs. The flowers have a slender corolla tube with recurved corolla lobes. The stamens are inserted near the base of the corolla tube and exserted well beyond its mouth.

a small tree (Exothea paniculata) of the family Sapindaceae of Florida and the West Indies having dark-colored wood and purple fruits.Shrubs or trees, up to 20 m high, trunk up to 60 cm in diameter; glabrous young stems; polygamous plants. Pinnate leaves; Leaflets 4โ€“6, oblong to elliptic-oblong or lanceolate-oblong, 8โ€“11 cm long, obtuse to acute or shortly acuminate at the apex, glabrous. Panicle highly branched, many-flowered, almost matching the leaves, densely puberulent, tomentose, pedicels 2โ€“3 mm long, flowers 6โ€“7 mm wide, white; calyx deeply 5-lobed; petals 5.4 mm long; disc thickly pubescent; stamens 7โ€“10. Fruit a berry 1.5 cm in diameter, dark red or purplish-blackish. This species, expected in Nicaragua, is known from the United States (southern Florida) to Costa Rica and in the Antilles, in premontane forests between 300 and 1350 m. The genus has 2, or possibly only 1 more species within the same range. It is related to Filicium and Dodonaea.

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