is a species of tree belonging to the Fabaceae family . Native to America , it is found from Mexico and the Antilles to northwestern Argentina Species of the genus Acacia may contain derivatives of dimethyltryptamine and cyanogenic glycosides in leaves, seeds, and bark, the ingestion of which may pose a health risk. The thorns have been used in traditional Mexican medicine to relieve toothaches and gums. are among the fastest growing breeds; in the first year of life, they reach a height of 0.75-1.5 m; on the second - 2-2.5 m, on the third - up to 4-5 m with a trunk diameter of 3-4 cm at a height of 1 m; at the age of 12-15 years - 15-18 m. Intensive growth of trees stops by 25-30 years; plants at the age of 30 are already aging, their crown is thinning, the bark cracks and hollowness appears.
Acacia Macracanthus Care
Acacia Macracantha

Acacia macracantha is a thorny tree that reaches a size of 4 m in height, with a solid trunk, dark gray in color. Leaves with long and wide spines at the base. Yellow flowers, with pod-shaped fruits. It blooms and bears fruit in rainy weather. It is found in the ravines, inside and outside the town, in the fields of planting, in the ravines, slopes and hills.The flowers are small, numerous, solitary, in capitate inflorescences, cylindrical racemes or panicles, in leaf axils or at the ends of branches, erect or drooping, bisexual or heterosexual, in the latter case, the number of staminate flowers significantly predominates over pistillate or bisexual flowers. Sepals and petals 5 (4 or 3) each, free or several fused. The calyx is bell-shaped, serrated, less often fringed-dissected or absent.The fruit is a pod elongated-ovate, lanceolate or linear, straight or variously curved, somewhat overtightened or articulated, pubescent or glabrous, opening or non-opening, less often fractional, leathery and woody. Seeds are globular to elongate-ellipsoidal, often flattened, black to light brown. The operculum is filiform, short, sometimes long, and twisting around the seed twice.
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