It is an annual grass species of the genus Vulpia. It was probably originally native to Eurasia, but it can now be found nearly worldwide as a naturalized species
Simple or tufted annual 3-4 dm. tall, the culms glabrous and hollow, mostly concealed by the numerous leaves.
Sheaths open, glabrous; leaf blades about 1 mm. broad, usually folded, glabrous beneath and puberulent above; auricles lacking; ligules membranous, erose, 0.2-0.6 mm. long.
Inflorescence a very narrow, elongate panicle 10-20 cm. long; spikelets 4- to 6-flowered, articulating above the glumes; glumes very narrowly lanceolate, unequal, the first about 1.5 mm. long, 1-nerved, the second 3-5 mm. long, 3-nerved; lemmas glabrous, about 5.5 mm. long, with a terminal awn 10-15 mm. long; stamens usually 1.
How to get rid of:
Mechanical removal is often the most
desirable. This can be accomplished with sharp hoes, shovels, or hand pulling.