Silene is a genus of flowering plants in the family Caryophyllaceae.Common names include campion and catchfly. Many Silene species are widely distributed, particularly in the northern hemisphere. Many species of Silene are in cultivation for perennial gardens.
Pubescent, scabrid; stem erect, somewhat viscid, branched at top; radical leaves spathulate, obtuse, apiculate, narrowed into a long petiole, cauline obovate or oblong, gradually smaller; peduncles few, erect, the lower long; fruiting calyces oblong, the thecaphore 1/4 as long as capsule. 1β2 feet high. Rad. leaves thickish, 3β4 inches long, including the petiole, 4β6 lines wide, hook-pointed; the lower cauline 1 inch, upper 6β4 lines long, 2β1 line wide. Peduncles 2β5. Calyx nearly an inch long, 10-ribbed, pubescent, with lanceolate-subulate teeth, 2-lines long. Petals white, bifid. Teeth of the capsule short; thecaphore 2 lines long. Allied to the following.
This plant is useful.
This plant might be poisonous
How to get rid of: