Potentilla supina is a species of flowering plant belonging to the family Rosaceae. Its native range is Europe to Turkey, Northern and Southern Africa.
Spreading Cinquefoil Care
Potentilla supina

Potentilla supina - a species of plants of the rose family (Rosaceae), common in Europe, Asia and Africa. Annual and biennial plant 10–50 cm. Basal leaves on long petioles, pinnate, with 2–5 pairs of oval or elongated, incised-serrated leaves. Flowers on short stalks, in the forks of stems. Petals about 3 mm long, yellow. The roots are thin, with sparse lateral roots. Flowering stems spreading, ascending or erect, dichotomously branched, with hairy petioles or almost glabrous. Nuts are cylindrical, folded, sharp tops. Distributed in temperate and tropical regions of Europe, Asia and Africa. In Ukraine, the species grows in wet meadows, near the shores, weeds in gardens - throughout; in the Crimea is rare.
This plant is useful.
How to get rid of: Tackling this weed using non-chemical approaches can be difficult and time-consuming as all runners and the main taproot need removing to eradicate it completely. Sturdy dandelion weeding forks can prove more effective at removing the deep taproots than hand-pulling. Stems and runners of this weed should not be added to home compost bins. Moist, fertile soil is less favourable to this weed, especially in lawns, so regular feeding and watering may help to discourage it.
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How to Care for the Plant
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