Peduncle and calyx with short glandular pubescence and few long eglandular hairs (peduncle hairs often shorter than the diameter of this peduncle); densely branched bush; leaflets small or medium, oblong, usually 8-12 x 3-6 mm. Onônis or anônis is the Greek name of a Mediterranean species of the genus. It is sometimes interpreted as formed of onos, donkey. and onesis. happiness. for certain rest-harrows were thought to please to donkeys. Nalrix is the name of a water snake, given to a plant whose pollen tube discharges ciliated antherozoids which swim ( just like a water snake) before entering the embryo sac.
Mediterranean Restharrow Care
Ononis mitissima

Erect or procumbent annual; stems 15-60 cm, somewhat tomentose or nearly glabrous. Leaves 3-foliolate; leaflets 10-20 mm, obovate or elliptical, sometimes caducous, lower bracts 3-foliolate, upper without leaflets, concave and membranous. Flowers shortly pedicellate, borne singly at each node, in a dense terminal raceme. Calyx-tube glabrous, with very prominent white veins, margins of teeth glandular-ciliate. Corolla 10-12 mm, pink, exceeding the calyx. Legume 5-6 mm, ovate. Seeds 2-3, 1.5-2 mm, dark brown, spinulose.
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