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Hairy Bird'S-Foot-Trefoil Care

Lotus hispidus

Hairy Bird'S-Foot-Trefoil main
Hairy Bird'S-Foot-Trefoil 0
Hairy Bird'S-Foot-Trefoil 1
What is the plant

A perennial with a deep root system, forms low (35 - 40 cm), arched bushes that rise in an arc. The leaves are quintuple, with small obovate leaflets: the lower pair of leaflets have stipules. Inflorescence - head, with 6 - 7 yellow flowers.

Winter-hardy and drought-resistant. Contains in green mass on Wed. (in%): protein 6.5, fat 1.4, fiber 7.8 and nitrogen-free extractives 16. Reaches full development in the 2nd year, although already in the 1st year it forms seeds. In grass mixtures it is retained for up to 15 years; It is predominantly of pasture importance (especially for sheep and the red horn. sk.). Llyadvenets acquires great importance in the fight against erosion, especially on chestnut soils.

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