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Coimbrensis Care

Lotus conimbricensis

Coimbrensis main
Coimbrensis 0
Coimbrensis 1
What is the plant

This thermophilic shrub is good for growing in containers and hanging baskets in a sunny, sheltered place in the garden, provided that it hibernates under glass. It has creeping shoots with a carpet of semi-evergreen silvery leaves. All summer it is covered with a mass of bright red or yellow curved, beak-like flowers up to 4 cm long. Each leaf up to 2 cm long is divided into five narrow lobes.

Deep root system, forms low (35 - 40 cm), arched bushes that rise in an arc. The leaves are quintuple, with small obovate leaflets: the lower pair of leaflets have stipules. Inflorescence - head, with 6 - 7 yellow flowers.

It grows in the southern districts of the forest zone, in the forest-steppe, steppe and in mountainous districts on a variety of soils. It develops better on deeply permeable carbonate loams and sandy loams, worse - on highly podzolic and excessively moist soils.

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