It is a genus of flowering plants in the legume family Fabacea
Inconspicuous Pea Care
Lathyrus inconspicuus

Lateral branches quickly overtake the main stem in growth. Leaves are single-pinnate, less often 2-4-paired, oblong-lanceolate or lanceolate, ending in a green branched tendril, tip or thorn. Stipules are leafy, fewer than leaflets, rarely almost equal to them. Flowers are moth-type. The tube of the calyx in the fauces is often oblique. The flag is broadly ovoid or rounded. The wings are shortly attached to the boat. The staminate tube is straight cut from the front. Column linear, widened towards the apex, flattened from the side of the back, usually still curled, bearded at the top. Inflorescence of one, less often of two white, purple-purple, yellow, orange, blue-purple or pink flowers. Chyna is usually a self-pollinator. The fruit is a dipteran pod. Seeds are angular, wedge-shaped. There are 8-15 seeds in 1 g. According to the color of seeds and flowers, three groups of ranks are distinguished: white-seeded, light-seeded and dark-seeded.
This plant is useful.
How to get rid of: Dig up the area thoroughly. This is not an easy job, because it is not enough just to dig up the ground - you also need to scrupulously select all the rhizomes from it.
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