It is a genus of monocotyledonous flowering plants, commonly known as rushes.
A plant with numerous radially diverging and lodging stems, 3 - 10 (15) cm tall, branching almost from the base, with reddish leaf-bearing sheaths below. Flowers 4 - 7 mm long., Bracts approx. 2 mm long., Filmy, obtuse. Tepals lanceolate, greenish, with a wide membranous margin, unequal: the outer ones are longer, spiny-pointed, the inner ones are shorter and wider, sharp. Stamens 1.5 mm long., Anthers b. m. are equal to staminate filaments. Capsule obovate, flat at the top, with a spine, approx. 4 mm long. Equal to the inner tepals. Seeds are broadly oval, with a flat base, 0.5 mm long., Yellowish-brown, shiny.
This plant is useful.
How to get rid of:
Dig up the area thoroughly. This is not an easy job, because it is not enough just to dig up the ground - you also need to scrupulously select all the rhizomes from it.