It is a small hanging plant with yellow flowers: one or two in the axils of the leaves. Its fruits are very characteristic: the pods are flat and very sinuous.
Hippocrepis Biflora Care
Hippocrepis biflora

It is a plant with an annual cycle of small dimensions, if it is fruiting it is easy to recognize that it is a Hippocrepis due to its articulated legumes , with the seeds each occupying a strangulation, and the leaves with numerous leaflets, one of them terminal. This species has the flowers normally isolated and on very short peduncles simulating that they are sitting; this character differs from Hippocrepis multisiliquosa, which has several flowers at the end of a peduncle almost as long as the corresponding leaf. It has a spring flowering .
This plant is useful.
How to get rid of: Pull the weeds out with your hands, not chop them down with the hoe. Many harmful herbs, for example, shytiry, are able to grow from the top of the root - they have dormant buds there.
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