Begonias enjoy lots of bright indirect light, but no direct sun. These can grow in artificial light like fluorescent, although experiences vary. Let the top of the soil dry before watering again. They enjoy a good soak, but need to dry out mostly between watering. They like warmer temperatures and should not be subjected to under 60 degrees. Although Begonias like humidity, they do not like being misted. Because of their textured surface, molds and mildew can form if the plant leaves are overly wet.
Begonia Silver Dollar Care
Begonia 'silver Dollar'

What is the plant
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How to Care for the Plant
allow the top soil to dry, do not allow plant to soak. If plant keeps drooping, repot the plant into a inch or two bigger.
Full shade if grown outdoors, bright indirect light if grown as a house plant. Never place in full sun.
Soil for flowers, or african violet soil mix
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70-80 degrees if indoors, if outdoors they can tolorate high temps under 100 dgrees
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