This is one of strangest of all cacti with strongly armed prostrate stems except for their slightly raised tips. They grow about up to 3 m long, 4-8 cm in diameter and take root as they creep, ramifying further and eventually covering a huge area. Sometimes plants separate from the parent stem and spread out around it, leaving it to die. Stems have 12 ribs; large areoles, 2 cm apart; 1 central and flat spine much wider than the others, 3 cm long, and around 20 light grey or whitish radials of unequal length. Outer ones are short and subulate; inner ones are larger and flat.
Creeping Devil Care
Stenocereus Eruca

What is the plant
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How to Care for the Plant
Occasional water in summer. Little or no water in winter.
Likes full sun to some shade part of the day if laying horizontally.
likes sandy, decomposed gravel or grit type soil substrate if lying laterally on the surface.
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Frost tender Stenocereus eruca likes 40 degrees and above, recommended for zones 9-b and up.
If grown/trained upright in containers it grows faster with rich soil but soil-mix must also be porous and fast draining.
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