Strelitzia juncea (Narrow-leafed Bird of Paradise) - This evergreen perennial slowly forms ever larger clumps of rhizomes from which emerge 4 to 5 foot long bluish-green narrow stalks which are actually leafless petioles - dramatically different from other Strelitzia because these stalks lack the expanded leaf at the end of the petiole. As on the more common bird of paradise (Strelitzia reginae), from late fall through late spring appear orange and blue flowers that rise from reed-like, grayish leaf stalks that can reach up to 6 ft. tall. These stalks bear flowers of a most interesting floral structure with hard, beak-like green sheath-like bracts (technically a spathe) held singly at a right angle at the tip of the stalks. From this spathe, which can be 6 to 8 inches long and tinged on the upper surface with a pale pink color, emerge the flowers one at a time to display 3 brilliantly orange colored sepals and 3 blue petals, two of which are fused into a long arrow like structure and the third cupped downward as a nectary. Individual flowers last about a week and the spathe holds 5 to 7 flowers and so are showy over a prolonged flowering period. Plant in full sun or part shade and water only occasionally.
Rush-leaved Strelitzia Care
Strelitzia Juncea

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How to Care for the Plant
Normal to Moist
To help establish your new Juncea Leafless Bird of Paradise, fertilize sparingly at least 6 inches away from the base, tri-annually with a slow time released product. Unfertilized they will tend to grow very slowly. Note: The heavy salts in cheaper fertilizers will damage the roots and possibly kill the plant.
This Bird of Paradise requires 80-100% sunlight. Depending on your location full sun is best.
Juncea Leafless Bird of Paradise enjoy well drained but some-what dry, rich organic mix. Remember try to stay away from wet, mucky soils.
This plant is hardy for short duration freezes down to 24° F but flowers and buds may be damaged by freezing temperatures.
Bird of Paradise grow very well in patio and indoor containers. For the best flower production allow enough room for growth generally a 18″ to a 24″ diameter, 10″ deep container will suffice to get started. Remember the looser the roots, the taller and healthier your plant will be. When the plant becomes root bound its growth will slow, at that point it is time for a larger pot.
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