For such a tall orchid Violet Limodore blends in well with its surroundings making it hard to spot.This elusive and bewitching orchid is a tall plant but is, nonetheless, challenging to find because it blends in so well with its surroundings.The Violet Limodore is apparently saprophytic and is dependent throughout its life on mycorrhizal fungi.For this reason, and because the stem is green and contains chlorophyll, it is unlikely to be parasitic. It is sometimes pollinated by insects, but Limodorum abortivum is also cleistogamous (pollination takes place inside the flower bud).It is found in coniferous woodland, scrub, and grassy woodland clearings often on rocky terrain. The Violet Limodore is one of those orchids that can disappear for several years during periods of drought or if the vegetation surrounding it becomes too dense, and then it reappears when conditions become more favourable. This may make this orchid hard to find rather than rare.