This species is endemic to Central Mexico, where it occurs in the state of Querétaro de Arteagaand into Hidalgo along the border of the Querétaro river. Extent of occurrence ca 2,500 km2.Altitude: 1.200-2.400 metres over sea level. Mammillaria parkinsonii grows on lime rich soils and calcareous substrate in semi-desert areas characterized by warm-temperate and dry climate. It is severely fragmentation in small sub-populations and occurs in xerophyllous scrub and submontane matorral. Illegal collection and land use change are threats across the range of the species. This cactus is used as an ornamental, and is normally found elsewhere as propagated plants.
Owl-eye Pincushion Care
Mammillaria Parkinsonii

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How to Care for the Plant
Water regularly in summer (but do not overwater ), but allowing the mould to dry up completely before giving water again, keep rather dry in winter, this resting period, cool and dry, is indispensable for a good blossoming.
Feed with a high potassium fertilizer in summer.
Needs full sun or, however, at the maximum possible luminosity, but can tolerate light shade.
Needs a loose free draining mix which can be formed by about the 30-50% of common, manured, garden earth and for the rest, in equal quantity, by pumice or lava grit and sand (or agriperlite).
It is quite frost resistant if kept dry (hardy to -5° C) but for a safe cultivation avoid freezing temperatures.
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