Varieties of mint (Mentha) are some of the easiest and most popular herbs to grow. Plants in the mint family are very hardy perennials with vigorous growth habits. Mint, left to its own devices, will spread quickly and become a nuisance. However, it is very useful as a flavorful culinary herb and the plants can certainly be grown without much care. Just try to choose a spot where you will not mind the rampant growth or grow it in a confined space like a container or between paved areas.
Sweet Mint Care
Mentha X Suavis

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How to Care for the Plant
The best way to water mint is to give the soil a really good soak and then wait until the soil only somewhat moist to a fingers depth before watering again.
Trim off any dead leaves and stems.
As with most houseplants, they will benefit from an occasional feed during the growing season. An organic, balanced, liquid fertilizer once a month during spring and summer is recommended.
Semi-shade location.
Planting instructions will suggest planting in a sterile potting mix.
Whether your potted plants are indoors or outdoors, proper drainage is an essential element to ensure they stay healthy.
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