The madruno originates from Eastern Amazonian non-flooded tropical lowland regions and is now grown in Costa Rica, Panama, the Guianas and Venezuela at elevations up to 1200m in the Andes. It is not widely known outside Central and South America but has been introduced into Florida.Other common names include Charichuela, Madrono , and Lemon Drop Mangosteen. An evergreen, tropical, erect tree with a pyramidal or nearly rounded, dense crown that is commonly found in South America, Madruno or Garcinia madruno has edible fruits with juicy whitish pulp that can be consumed either raw or cooked. The bole of Madruno is cylindrical and can be up to 30 cm in diameter. The leaves are dark green and leathery. The tree yields yellow latex which is used to treat ulcers and other sores. It also yields greenish resin called ?Maria Balsam?. The wood is pinkish, coarse-textured, hard, and heavy. It is used for making furniture, in flooring, general carpentry, and heavy construction.
Madruno Care
Garcinia Madruno

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How to Care for the Plant
It prefers moist soil.
Little is done, apart from removal of any dead branches and height control.
fertilize sparingly ten inches away from the base, tri-annually with a slow time released product. Unfertilized they will tend to grow at a slower pace. Note: The heavy salts in cheaper fertilizers will damage the roots and possibly kill the plant. Its best to use a brand you know and trust.
As a forest tree it can tolerate partial shade.
Tolerant to most soil types, with a preference for well-drained sandy soils.
Tolerates average winter conditions but hard freezes may damage leaves/twigs
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