Sedeveria ‘Letizia’ is best known to be a beautiful looking succulent. As the plant matures you can expect it to reach around 20 cm (8″) tall and about 6 cm (2.4″) in diameter. The leaves are mostly green with red edges. When the succulent flowers you can expect it to produce white flowers with pink tips.
Lety's Sedeveria Care
Sedeveria Letizia’

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How to Care for the Plant
Planted in the landscape, your Sedeveria may not need to be watered at all. They may do well with natural rainfall. During times of drought, you should provide a thorough watering on an approximately weekly basis.When kept indoors as a potted succulent, use the soak-and-dry method of watering. To do this, provide a complete watering, allowing water to run through the substrate and out the drainage holes of the pot. Do not water again until the soil is completely dry (approximately once a week or once every two weeks).
Sedeveria succulents do well in part to full sun.
Succulents do best in sharply draining soil. This means soil that allows water to run through freely and promotes good air circulation around the roots. Succulent Sedeveria should never stand in wet soil because this will cause root rot.The best substrate for succulents and cacti is one that is gritty and soilless.
In warm regions of the United States (USDA hardiness zones 10 through 11) Sedeveria are carefree. In cooler climates, they can be kept in containers outdoors during the warmer months and brought indoors to keep as houseplants during the winter.Alternately, you may wish to plant Sedeveria directly into your garden in the summertime and then bring in offshoots to keep as houseplants in the winter.There are some Sedeveria that are winter hardy in USDA hardiness zone 9, but even so, you may wish to cover them if a very cold spell is predicted.
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