Simple, dainty tangerine and yellow trumpets adorn the orange browallia or marmalade bush (Streptosolen jamesonii, ht 1.5-2 m) from South America, a very easy shrub to grow in Sydney. It belongs to the Solanaceae, a plant family which includes many interesting (though often toxic) ornamental plants for our Sydney gardens, such as Brunfelsia, Brugmansia, Nicotiana and Solanum.Although it is officially a spring-flowering plant, it can have an amazingly long flowering period here, from July until November. The flared-trumpet flowers open yellow and change to clear apricot then a deep orange-red as they mature. A lax, evergreen, frost-tender shrub, it enjoys sun and good soil. It has flexible, arching stems which can be trained against a wall or even up a pillar, as long as it is tied on, as it has no method of attaching itself to a support; or it can be tip-pruned when young to form a dense shrubby shape each year.