Hoya pubicalyx 'Speckled' has white speckles on a green leaf. This plant makes a wonderful low light houseplant and if given the right conditions will have bundles of unique pink flowers.
Speckled Wax Plant Care
Hoya Pubicalyx 'speckled'

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How to Care for the Plant
Let your Hoya indoor plants dry out between waterings. Soak the soil thoroughly until the water drains out of the drainage holes. You’ll need to water more when they’re receiving more light, so adjust accordingly. Avoid over-watering. When the colder months arrive, cut back on watering; in wintertime, only water when their soil is completely dry.
For Hoyas, a higher nitrogen fertilizer encourages foliar growth. When they’re about to bloom, switch to a higher phosphorus content. Fertilize with a complete liquid fertilizer or fish emulsion twice a month during the summer. You can also apply a top dressing of worm castings or compost in the spring as this acts like a slow-release fertilizer. Only fertilize during the growing season (spring through summer).
These houseplants like lots of bright, indirect sun. These Hoyas are able to tolerate medium light, but they’ll become weaker, leggy, and produce fewer leaves in lower light.
Use a light, airy, and well-drained soil mixture for the Hoya plant. Use rich soil with high organic content and nutrients for a better root system.Plant the Hoya in loamy, fast-draining soil or potting mixture. The ideal soil pH for is from 6.5 to 7.5, i.e., slightly acidic to neutral.You can make your own potting mix by using one part orchid bark, one part coarse perlite, and one part peat-free compost.
Most Hoyas love warm environments - 65-85℉ - and should be kept away from drafty windows and doorways during the colder months.
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