The sycamore fig Ficus Sycomorus is native to the middle east and parts of Africa. The name sycomorus came from the Greek Syca-Morus Which means Mulberry fig. The leaves are similar in shape to mulberry and the fruit looks very similar to the common fig, except its smaller.The fruits grow on clusters attached to the bark. The fruit have a very sweet aroma. It tastes different than the common fig, a little sweeter and very aromatic. The fruit of the sycamore fig is not grown commercially. However, you may find fruits of the Sycamore fig selling in Israeli farm markets. The trees are not as cold hardy as the common fig Ficus Carica. They are usually grown in the warmer regions of the Middle east and Africa.
Sycomore Fig Care
Ficus Sycomorus

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How to Care for the Plant
Continuous and adequate water supply is necessary for high yields, but rainfall during fruiting may cause fruits to split and favour growth of fungal rots
Plants tolerate lopping
Grows best in a sunny position
Prefers a deep, well-drained loam to clay soil rich in nutrients. Sandy soils with a shallow groundwater level may also be suitable
the temperature can fall as low as 0°c or go up to 40°c. The tree is sensitive to frost but can withstand some cold
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