Sundenia Red’ dipladenia boasts the large mandevilla flowers that gardeners love but on a compact, manageable plant. The flowers of ‘Sundenia Red’ are 3 to 5 inches in diameter, double the size of a typical dipladenia. Large blooms, rich colors and compact growing habit makes this plant perfect for just about any garden setting, including patios, decks and front walks.
Sundenia Red Care
Dipladenia 'sundenia Red'

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How to Care for the Plant
Dipladenia care is similar to mandevillas, water only when the top few inches of soil are dry. soil ph is best at 6.6 to 7.8, but dipladenias will tolerate a slight variance of soil ph rather well. fertilize every 3 to 4 weeks with a high phosphorus fertilizer for lush growth and continuous blooming.
Trim off any dead leaves and stems.
Universal fertilizer is granular and mineral product intended for fertilization of all types of garden cultivations. Its balanced content is suitable both for fruit trees, fruit bushes, vegetables and ornamental plants. The even composition of individual elements makes the fertilizer universal.
Partial sun generally means less than six and more than four hours of sun per day. Plants for partial sun will do well in a location where they receive a break from the sun each day. They like the sun but will not tolerate a full day of it and need at least some shade each day.
Use a well-draining indoor potting mix with perlite to help with drainage.
These plants require warm temperatures and high humidity. Nighttime temperatures should remain around 65 to 70 degrees F.
Choose a pot with drainage holes, which also ensures potting soil doesn't stay too wet after watering your houseplants. The excess can freely escape out the bottom of the container, allowing oxygen to make its way to plant roots.
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